Current Executive Board:
John ’Riley’ Burgess, Secretary Treasurer
Bill Blome, Recording Secretary
Other Contacts:
Local 205 elects Executive Board members every 3 years. Each officer has specific responsibilities governed by the Local’s Constitution and By-Laws.
Broadly speaking, the president oversees the other officers and chairs membership meetings. Also, the president is the person to contact if you wish to become a member of IATSE Local 205.
The Vice-President assists the President and runs the Local’s education program. If you have education questions, you should contact the Vice-President.
The Business Agent deals with all work related matters; employee questions and concerns, employer questions and concerns, contracts and so on. If your questions pertain to employment, you need to contact the Business Agent (BA).
The Secretary-Treasurer deals with all financial matters of the local including the collection of members dues. If you are a member and have a question about your dues, you need to speak with the Treasurer.
The Recording Secretary records the minutes of union meetings and handles all union correspondence.
The Sergeant-At-Arms ensures only members enter closed union meetings.
Additionally, the Local has several standing committees appointed to work on issues identified as important to our members. The leaders of these committees are called committee chairs. Our current committees include Organizing, Bargaining (negotiate our contracts), Stewards (handles our grievances), Newsletter, Communications and Education Committees, and our Young Workers Committee.
The organizing committee works with employees seeking union representation. If you have questions about gaining union representation at your workplace, you should contact Organizing Chair, Paul Arebalo.
The young workers committee works with Austin stagehands, 40 and under, to get them actively participating and giving back to the Austin community, such as volunteering at the Capitol Area Food Bank, registering people to vote and so on. If you would like to be involved with our young workers, contact YWC Chair, Mikela Cowan. You do not have to be a member of IATSE Local 205 to get involved with our YWC.
Lastly, every Local 205 job has a designated Union Steward. The steward is there to represent and advocate for every stagehand on the job. If you encounter a problem when working under a union contract with your employer, or your paycheck, or another worker on the job, you should go to your union steward for help. Your steward can also answer any general questions you have about IATSE or Local 205.