Daily Archives: 04/13/2020

Announce: Shelter-in-place extended to May 8

The following was sent to the membership via the announce mechanism on April 13th 2020 via the office of the president:

Brothers and Sisters,

The City of Austin and Travis County have extended the shelter-in-place order until May 8. The new ordinance also calls on residents to wear facial coverings when out in public. <https://www.statesman.com/news/20200413/coronavirus-in-austin-facial-coverings-required-in-new-stay-at-home-orders?nocache=1&utm_source=SFMC&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Austin%20American-Statesman%20austin-breaking-news%202020-04-1322:25:27&utm_content=GCOX_AUS&utm_term=041320>

Continue to stay home, safe and well.

In Solidarity,

Rachel Magee,