via AFL-CIO…
If you’ve watched any zombie movie or episode of “The Walking Dead,” you know that you can never let your guard down until you’re sure all the zombies around you are dead.
The Fast Track zombie bill is no different. Last week, the House stopped Fast Track but didn’t kill it. And yesterday, John Boehner and the Republican leaders in the House brought it back from the dead—and it’s worse than ever. Not only have they stripped out assistance for workers who’ve lost their jobs because of bad trade deals that were originally attached to the bill, but they’ve weakened human trafficking protections and added a provision that would prevent the Trans-Pacific Partnership and other future trade deals from addressing climate change.
We need to spread the word about this new, uglier Fast Track zombie bill to stop it. Share this graphic with your friends now!

14 Democratic senators—Michael Bennet (D-CO), Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Ben Cardin (D-MD), Tom Carper (D-DE), Christopher Coons (D-DE), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), Tim Kaine (D-VA), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Patty Murray (D-WA), Bill Nelson (D-FL), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Mark Warner (D-VA) and Ron Wyden (D-OR)—voted the wrong way on Fast Track last time. We need to make them realize that Republican leaders made empty promises to get their vote.
We’ve got an opportunity to turn them in the right direction, but we need to put pressure on them today because the vote could come up any time this week. We need to stop this terrible zombie bill or more jobs will be shipped overseas, more workers will see their wages lowered and corporations will be given even more power over our communities.
Check out our graphic, then share it with your friends to spread the word about this critical week to kill the Fast Track zombie bill.
In Solidarity,
Celeste Drake
Trade and Globalization Policy Specialist, AFL-CIO