Tag Archives: covid19

All posts relating to pandemic response and COVID-19

Announce: SA Employee COVID-19 Test Result is Negative

The following was shared with the membership via the announce mechanism on Mar. 23rd via the office of the president:

Brothers and Sisters,

Stage Alliance has just released the following statement:

Attention all SA employees,

The results of the test for the Stage Alliance employee who worked on Aladdin has come back NEGITIVE for Covid -19. The person is still very sick (no fever) but NO Corona Virus.

I hope this eases any concerns about the transmission of this virus from this individual.

Please continue to follow all CDC health regulations in order to remain safe.

Hope to see you all sometime soon,

In Solidarity,
Rachel Magee,

Announce: COVID-19: Resources for surviving closures and cancellations

The following was sent to members via the announce mechanism on Mar. 13th 2020 from the office of the president:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This has been an unprecedented week and painful week for all of us. Unfortunately, it seems there are more event cancelations and venue closures to come. The financial impact is daunting. Therefore, we need to explore all viable options to help us get through this difficult time.

Firstly, if you haven’t already, file for unemployment insurance. https://twc.texas.gov/news/unemployment-news#ifYourEmploymentHasBeenAffectedByTheCoronavirusCovid1 We don’t know how long it will be before our industry returns to normal so file sooner rather than later.

Secondly, prioritize your spending. Again, we don’t know how long this situation is going to last. Listed below are some resources that might be of help.

https://www.statesman.com/news/20200313/eviction-hearings-utility-shutoffs-suspended-in-response-to-coronavirus Austin Energy has suspended utility shutoffs https://www.statesman.com/news/20200313/eviction-hearings-utility-shutoffs-suspended-in-response-to-coronavirus for any households unable to pay. Customers struggling with utility bills can be placed on a deferred payment plan, or receive assistance if eligible. Visit Austin Energy’s website https://austinenergy.com/ae/about/news/news-releases/2020/city-of-austin-suspends-utility-disconnects-amid-covid-19 for more information.

Travis County has suspended eviction proceedings https://www.kut.org/post/travis-county-evictions-put-hold-austin-energy-will-not-shutoff-utilities-amid-covid-19 to keep people from losing their homes during this time.

Although AISD schools are closed, 14 campuses are distributing breakfasts and lunches https://www.fox7austin.com/news/aisd-lunch-will-be-prepared-distributed-at-14-campuses-during-closures for AISD kids.

For assistance with groceries, visit the Central Texas Food Bank https://www.centraltexasfoodbank.org/.

Health insurance companies to waive coronavirus costs for Texans https://cbsaustin.com/news/coronavirus/list-insurance-companies-waiving-coronavirus-costs-for-texans-abbott-asks-more-to-follow including Blue Cross Blue, the insurance provider for IATSE Health and Welfare Plans. Also, the IATSE National Benefits Fund has waived all fees for COVID-19 testing https://www.iatsenbf.org/ IATSE National Benefits Fund https://www.iatsenbf.org/ has waived all fees for COVID-19 testing for all participants enrolled in Plan A, all Plan C options, and Triple S.

The IATSE National Benefits Fund has extended annuity hardship withdrawals https://www.iatsenbf.org/IATSE National Benefits Fund https://www.iatsenbf.org/has extended annuity hardship withdrawals to include a new category of hardship withdrawals to assist those of you who have been affected by COVID-19. If you have lost work, been laid off, or had other losses or expenses due to the virus, you are eligible for immediate withdrawal in the amount of your loss. To obtain a hardship application please email Annuity at iatsenbf.org https://www.iatsenbf.org/.

Search for free or reduced-cost services like medical care, food, job training, and more by visiting the Aunt Bertha website https://www.auntbertha.com/.

Post on I Lost My Gig.com https://www.ilostmygig.com/ to share your story and potentially receive a personal donation.

Although we are all suffering the ramifications that COVID-19 is wreaking on our industry, some of us enter this period of instability in a better position than others. If you need help, please do not be too proud to ask. If you’re in the position to help, please do not be too shy to offer. More than ever, this is the time for us to have each other’s back.

In Solidarity,

Rachel Magee,
IATSE Local 205 President

Announce: COVID-19 IATSE Update

The following was forwarded to the membership from the International via the announce mechanism on Mar. 11th 2020:

> Sisters, Brothers, Kin—
> With regards to the COVID-19 virus, the safety and well-being of our members and their families is our number one priority.
> The International’s Disaster Response Committee is closely following the most up-to-date guidance and information as provided by the Center for Disease Control, The Public Health Agency of Canada, and the World Health Organization, and will continue to relay that information to Local Officers and members. Additionally, we are in constant contact with our health plans and local health care centers to ensure the health and safety of our communities.
> We are working with employers across all sectors of the Entertainment Industry on policies that will help prevent infections in our workplaces. With the variety of crafts we represent and the unique challenges that come with each in this situation, we are collaborating with our Local Unions to produce and distribute craft-specific workplace guidelines. If members have any specific workplace health safety concerns, please report it via our Safety Info App (iOS , Play Store ), or by talking to your Local Union.
> In addition to the obvious health concerns posed by the virus itself, fears of the virus are also wreaking havoc on the economy, and specifically the Entertainment Industry. The honest truth is that many IATSE jobs are at risk as more events and projects are cancelled.
> We are actively investigating all possible courses of action that can help ensure the financial stability of members who lose work as a result of the COVID-19 virus. We are also reviewing all of our contracts for any pertinent provisions (i.e. Force Maejure).
> Finally, we have created a Coronavirus Update Portal ­ on our website. We will continue to publish helpful resources and developments about the COVID-19 virus there.
> In solidarity,
> IATSE Communications

Announce: SXSW Cancellation News: Press Conference & Fundraisers

The following was sent to the membership via the announce mechanism on Mar. 9th 2020 from the office of the president:

Brothers and Sisters,

Tomorrow, Tuesday 10 March at 10AM the Texas AFL-CIO is holding a press conference at their offices to highlight the voice of labor following the cancellation of this year’s SXSW. If you have lost work and would like to be present, please arrive at 9:45 AM wearing our Local’s insignia.

There are some fundraising activities to be aware of. Austin Foundation Communities is collecting donations, "to assist individuals and small businesses most negatively impacted by the cancellation of SXSW and least able to recover on their own.” The fund is called the Stand With Austin Fund . I have been in touch with the fund’s directors to inquire how individuals may apply for assistance and how or when funds will be distributed. I have received a response that the foundation is working with their partners to work this out and a request to check back in the coming weeks.

The Red River Cultural District has launched a Go Fund Me account called Banding Together https://www.gofundme.com/f/bandingtogether2020 geared towards helping, “artists, hospitality and production workers, businesses and organizations” that rely on SXSW. They have set a goal of $100,000 and have raised $13,029. I do not currently have any information on how funds will be distributed.

Lastly, three Austin siblings, all of whom are freelance workers who have been adversely impacted by SXSW’s cancellation, have launched a website called I Lost My Gig https://www.ilostmygig.com/ where donors can donate directly to effected individuals. The website allows individuals to opt in, share their story, and potentially receive person to person donations. I spoke with one of the founders today who informed me they felt it was important not only to try to facilitate financial assistance, but also to humanize our situation by sharing our stories, show how many people have been impacted, and highlight how we contribute to the fabric of our society. They were also able to report that 275 people are currently posted on the site reporting a collective loss of $1.4 million income. Although they are not tracking donations, they have received feedback that donations are being received. It appears the website is getting a lot of traffic and they will be sending press releases to all the major news outlets to increase awareness.

In Solidarity,

Rachel Magee,
IATSE Local 205 President

Announce: SXSW Cancellations, Freeman 3/8-3/21

The following was sent to the membership via the announce mechanism on Mar. 6th 2020 from the office of the Business Agent:

Brothers and Sisters,

I am disheartened to report that SXSW was officially canceled today by the City of Austin.

All scheduled labor for TOMORROW Saturday 3/7 will remain as scheduled. I repeat if you are scheduled tomorrow 3/7, you will still go to work as scheduled. Freeman has had gear arriving at the Austin Convention Center and we will be loading out that gear.

All scheduled labor for all areas on Sunday 3/8 through 3/21 with FREEMAN has been cancelled.
We will update you as we find out more information from our various employers.
In Solidarity,

Nikki Combs
Business Agent

Announce: Support Working People During COVID-19!

The following was sent to the membership via the announce mechanism on Mar 31st 2020 from the office of the president:

Brothers and Sisters,

Please tune in to this Important message from TX AFL-CIO <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7MUzCsWov8&feature=youtu.be> and afterwards, please visit the TX AFL-CIO website <https://www.texasaflcio.org/>

Thank you!

Rachel Magee,

Announce: Coronavirus Update

The following was sent to the membership via the announce mechanism on Feb. 28th 2020, forwarded from IATSE International.

> Sisters, Brothers, Kin—
> As news coverage of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues, we want to update you with guidance and reassurance.
> While there is a potential public health threat posed by COVID-19, right now per the CDC, for the general American public, the immediate health risk from COVID-19 is considered low.
> As this is a dynamic and evolving situation, we are closely following the most up-to-date guidance and information as provided by the Centers for Disease Control. In addition, we are in constant contact with our health plans and local health care centers to ensure the health and safety of our community.
> We will continue to provide information on any new developments that would impact our community and actions that would need to be taken. We strongly encourage you to visit the CDC for information regarding the virus, situation updates, personal protective precautions and recommendations for community preparedness. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/prevention-treatment.html

> Feel free to distribute as appropriate and necessary.
> In solidarity,
> IATSE Communications.