Tag Archives: rigging

Rigging and ETCP Prep Course

Combining elements from a number of his rigging and safety courses, in 2020 Brother Robert Koch developed his excellent offering: Rigging and ETCP Preparations.

Brother Koch was accepted into the first online “Training Techniques & Course Development Workshop” and this class, first presented locally for 205, is now part of the IATSE Train the Trainer curriculum library!

This coming week, Monday Nov. 22nd beginning at 10:30am, join Bobby for another opportunity to celebrate our craft and learn from a leading industry professional.  Offering something for every skill level, however those eligible to test for ETCP rigging certification should not miss this opportunity!

Free for IATSE members and those working under IATSE contracts, flyer below:  

Email interest to: vice-president@iatse205.org

The IATSE TTF course description:
This course provides a general introduction to the profession of Event Rigging, as well as preparation for others wishing to elevate and become a Certified Rigging Technician. Topics include review of responsibilities, people in charge, policies, liabilities, tools and equipment used, proper procedures, formulas and calculations, as well as many OSHA requirements. Through this course students gain an understanding of basic and advanced skills used throughout the entertainment industry.
•    Gain an overall understanding of the production process
•    How to interpret and understand weights and ratings
•    Proper use of tools and equipment, including basic troubleshooting methods
•    Safe methods for proper placement and positioning of equipment
•    OSHA requirements for Rigging and Fall Protection
•    Requirements needed to possibly become a ETCP certified technician
DATE: Nov. 22nd, 2021
LOCATION: Long Center Dell Hall, Austin Texas
INSTRUCTOR: Robert Koch, ETCP certified
This course is made possible through the IATSE TTF Course Reimbursement Program

Rigging and ETCP Preparations Course


Combining elements from a number of his rigging and safety courses, in 2020 Brother Robert Koch developed his excellent offering:
Rigging and ETCP Preparations.

Brother Koch was accepted into the first online “Training Techniques & Course Development Workshop” and this class, first presented locally for 205, is now part of the IATSE Train the Trainer curriculum library!

This week, Wednesday June 30th beginning at 10:00am, join Bobby online for another opportunity to celebrate our craft and learn from a leading industry professional.  Offering something for every skill level, however those eligible to test for ETCP rigging certification should not miss this opportunity!

Free for IATSE members and those working under IATSE contracts, flyer below:  

Email interest to: vice-president@iatse205.org

The IATSE TTF course description:
This course provides a general introduction to the profession of Event Rigging, as well as preparation for others wishing to elevate and become a Certified Rigging Technician. Topics include review of responsibilities, people in charge, policies, liabilities, tools and equipment used, proper procedures, formulas and calculations, as well as many OSHA requirements. Through this course students gain an understanding of basic and advanced skills used throughout the entertainment industry.
•    Gain an overall understanding of the production process
•    How to interpret and understand weights and ratings
•    Proper use of tools and equipment, including basic troubleshooting methods
•    Safe methods for proper placement and positioning of equipment
•    OSHA requirements for Rigging and Fall Protection
•    Requirements needed to possibly become a ETCP certified technician
DATE: June 30, 2021
LOCATION: Video Conference
INSTRUCTOR: Robert Koch, ETCP certified
This course is made possible through the IATSE TTF Course Reimbursement Program

Intro to Arena and Convention Rigging

The dates for the class are May 20th-22nd.

This is an introduction to general work methods, terminology and math involved in arena and convention rigging. This is not meant to be a comprehensive course, but will give you a better idea about what rigging is and how it is done. Space is limited and the event is expected to fill up fast. Please email education@iatse205.org to reserve a spot or if you have any questions about the class.