Category Archives: News

News and Information.

Announce: Support Working People During COVID-19!

The following was sent to the membership via the announce mechanism on Mar 31st 2020 from the office of the president:

Brothers and Sisters,

Please tune in to this Important message from TX AFL-CIO <> and afterwards, please visit the TX AFL-CIO website <>

Thank you!

Rachel Magee,

Announce: Coronavirus Update

The following was sent to the membership via the announce mechanism on Feb. 28th 2020, forwarded from IATSE International.

> Sisters, Brothers, Kin—
> As news coverage of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues, we want to update you with guidance and reassurance.
> While there is a potential public health threat posed by COVID-19, right now per the CDC, for the general American public, the immediate health risk from COVID-19 is considered low.
> As this is a dynamic and evolving situation, we are closely following the most up-to-date guidance and information as provided by the Centers for Disease Control. In addition, we are in constant contact with our health plans and local health care centers to ensure the health and safety of our community.
> We will continue to provide information on any new developments that would impact our community and actions that would need to be taken. We strongly encourage you to visit the CDC for information regarding the virus, situation updates, personal protective precautions and recommendations for community preparedness.

> Feel free to distribute as appropriate and necessary.
> In solidarity,
> IATSE Communications.

Intro to Arena and Convention Rigging

The dates for the class are May 20th-22nd.

This is an introduction to general work methods, terminology and math involved in arena and convention rigging. This is not meant to be a comprehensive course, but will give you a better idea about what rigging is and how it is done. Space is limited and the event is expected to fill up fast. Please email to reserve a spot or if you have any questions about the class.

Boom Operation Training with Patrick Crowley

It’s not too late to register for the class tomorrow! Just email to register for the class. Space is limited.

If you miss this class, it’s not the end of the world. Patrick will be teaching these classes every quarter, so there will be more opportunities.

The class teaches safe operation of boom lifts, scissor lifts and aerial work platforms. In addition to the class for certification, Patrick holds a practice session in the afternoon for hands on practice. The classes are held at Briggs Equipment rental.

IATSE Local 205 Membership Drive and Unionism Education

205 Membership Drive Flyer

2019 Membership Drive

The membership drive starts April 1, 2019 and ends June 30, 2019. Anyone submitting an application for membership during this time period will have their application and initiation fees reduced by 50%. Normally, our initiation fee is $200 and our application fee is $100, total cost $300. But during our membership drive, these fees will be reduced to $100 and $50 respectively, $150 total cost.

To become a member of IATSE Local 205 you must be a resident of Austin or the greater Austin area for at least 18 consecutive months before you apply. The application procedure is as follows:


Attend one of our unionism classes. Classes are held at the IBEW #520 union hall, 3rd Floor, 4818 E. Ben White Blvd, Austin, TX. 78741. Membership drive classes will be held on the following dates:

Sunday April 7th, 2pm-4:30pm
Friday, May 3rd, 2pm-4:30pm
Sunday, June 2nd, 2pm-4:30pm

For hiring hall subscribers, these classes are on Call Steward and can be wish listed. FaceBook events have been created on our FaceBook page, which you can RSVP your desire to attend. Alternatively, you can sign up to attend a class by emailing Walk-ins are also welcome.


After attending our unionism class, you must request an applicant interview with Local 205’s Executive Board by emailing . Interviews for our membership drive will be conducted at the following dates and times:

Monday, April 29, 6pm
Monday, May 20, 10m
Monday, June 24, 6pm

When making your interview request, please make clear the date you wish to be interviewed.

Interviews will be conducted at our union office: 4818 E. Ben White Blvd., Suite 204, Austin, TX. 78741. Applicants granted an interview should bring with them a $100 check/cashier’s check or money order made payable to Local 205, and a $50 cashier’s check/money order made payable to IATSE. Note, IATSE does not accept personal checks.

Interviews will only be granted to those who have completed steps one and two above. Interviews are by invitation only, we cannot accept walk-ins.

Unionism Class Oct 28th

Growth = Strength
Growth = Strength
Sunday, October 28, 2018 at 2 PM – 4:30 PM IBEW Local 520 Meeting Hall (3rd Floor) 4818 E Ben White Blvd, Ste 300, Austin, Texas 78741 Interested in becoming a member of IATSE Local 205 – Austin Texas? Or would you like to learn more about IATSE and the Labor Movement? Attending is your first step! This 2-hour discussion will introduce the importance of unions, the benefits of membership, and the history of the IATSE. You can RSVP on the Facebook Event or contact the Vice President about about attending.

Support Jon Stewart’s Medical Expenses

Brothers and Sisters, The Paramount Theatre has set up a Go Fund Me page for Brother John Stewart, the link to which is  This is what is reported by Cathy McDonald at the Paramount about John’s progress:

John is currently doing out-patient Physical and occupational therapy at the St. David’s Stroke and Rehab Hospital twice weekly and continues to show improvement, although certainly not as quickly as he would like.

2017 Stagehands Cookout Flyer

2017 Austin Stagehand Cookout! (Tuesday!)

Local 205 Young Workers Committee is hosting our 3rd Annual Stagehand Cookout next week! All Austin area stagehands welcome, regardless of union affiliation.  Also note, as with almost all young worker hosted events, you do not have to be a “young worker” to attend.

Tuesday, Sept 26th, 2017 (4pm – 8pm)
Due to rain and a forecast for thunderstorms, tonight’s Austin Stagehand Cookout hosted is MOVING LOCATION from Martin Park to IBEW #520 Union Hall, 4818 E. Ben White Blvd., Austin, TX. 78741.

You can also RSVP on facebook at the event page:
Stagehand Cookout 2017

Festivities include:
– Food
– Stagehand Games
– Team Building

Bring yourselves, your fellow Austin area stagehands, members and non-members alike, and your families!

It sounds like there will be T-Shirts again this year.  Some will be available as prizes in the games, but if you want one be sure to bring a little cash to purchase.

For information about coordinating items to bring and or volunteering to help setup and tear down, please see the facebook event for the most current information.