
ZACH: Choices require FACTS!

ZACH Theatre employees have a choice coming up before them, to vote for Local 205 Representation or not. Choices require accurate information. In an effort to cut through the rumors and dirty tactics from ZACH management, Local 205 has a whole new section of this site just for ZACH employees!

There is also a HOTLINE for any other questions you may have, call anytime! 512-371-1217 ext. 205

Jerry Paramount Marquee

Brother Gerald B. Reed

Brothers and Sisters,

It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that yesterday morning, our much loved brother, Jerry Reed, was tragically killed in a car accident in Lago Vista. The accident was a head on collision. The other driver fell asleep at the wheel.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his two sons, Reno and Micah, and his granddaughter.

President Magee

Here are some photos in memory that have trickled in since the news…

Jerry Symphony Show Blacks

Jerry Symphony Show Blacks

Presidential Jerry Reed

Presidential Jerry Reed

Jerry Dell World 2015

Jerry Dell World 2015

Jerry Fixin Shit

Jerry Fixin Shit

If you have any of the exceedingly rare Jerry Reed photos, please message them to the IATSE 205 Facebook Page (or email them to ), where we are displaying them in the “In Loving Memory” album

Zach Scott Production Employees, You’re Invited!

Uncle Billy’s, 1530 Barton Springs Road on Tuesday, June 14 from 7PM

Read the full meeting invitation here:
PDF Invitation

You’ve heard from ZACH management, you’ve heard from disgruntled ex-ZACH employees, you’ve heard from disgruntled ex-union members, sadly you’ve even heard from a misinformed Local 205 member. Unfortunately, all of them have provided you with misinformation about organizing, what it means, how it works, and how it will impact you.

So, who is the union? We’re stagehands, just like you. We love our craft, just like you. We’re creative and proud of what we do, just like you. We’d like to help you thrive at ZACH, not just survive!

I’d like you to hear the truth about organizing, IATSE and Local 205 from a reliable source; IATSE Local 205’s leadership! I’m inviting you all to put us to the test. We’ll be at

Uncle Billy’s, 1530 Barton Springs Road on Tuesday, June 14 from 7PM

to give you all the facts and dispel any other myths.

Rachel Magee,
IATSE Local 205, President.
(512) 371-1217 ext. 101

Pay it Right! (Informational Meetup Monday!)

Wage Cut for Stage Alliance Hands!

Find out how and why your wages were cut (and what your Union is doing about it!) by attending the Stage Alliance employees meeting at:

3PM on Monday 29 February, 2016 at TX AFL-CIO auditorium,
11th and Lavaca, 78701. (Metered street parking only!)

Can’t attend? Sign up here to receive information electronically,https://old.iatse205.org/signup

Stage Alliance Rate Card 2015

Stage Alliance Rate Card 2015

Stage Alliance Employee Meeting Today!

Reminder notice to all Stage Alliance Employees:

Remember, you are a member of the bargaining unit that Local 205 represents!!
IATSE Local 205 is hosting an SA employee meeting this Monday (today):

February 15 at 6:00 pm
IBEW Local Union 520
4818 E. Ben White Blvd Suite #300
Austin, TX 78741

Please check your email for further details about the subject, or show up and find out!

Search for a message from “IA205 Info” as the sender, may have ended up in your junk mail as this was the first occasion to contact the entire bargaining unit via email.

If you can’t attend, please sign up for the mailing list so that we can keep you informed!

IATSE Local 205

Education! Stewards’ Training Program Reboot

From the Education Committee via Vice President Drga:

Brothers and Sisters,

Local 205 will be presenting another round of Steward training classes. We have expanded the Steward training into three separate classes:

Steward Training I – open to all members and required for apprentices. The objective of this class is to introduce the Steward’s job and responsibilities, how workers relate to the Steward and Union, Unionism and Solidarity, reading and understanding a contract, and safety on the job.

Steward Training II – open to all members. This class will prepare members to act as Stewards on the job. Topics will include advanced contract interpretation, representation on the job, Investigation of incidents and complaints and proper completion of Steward paperwork. There will be a test at the end of this class and graduates that pass the test are eligible to become certified Stewards.  If you are already a certified Steward, then you must take this class and pass the test to re-certify.

Steward Training III – by invitation – This class will focus on advanced aspects of the grievance process, including filing, investigation, and taking grievances to arbitration. Graduates of this class will be involved in formation of a Local 205 Grievance Committee.

Note that each of these classes will be 2 days long and you must attend both days. The dates for the upcoming classes are:

Steward I :  Jan 12-13, 2016

Steward II : Feb 5-6, 2016

Steward II :  Sometime in May/June 2016

Steward III :  Sometime in May/June 2016

These classes are offered to Local 205 members at no cost. Please keep in mind that there is a significant cost in materials and time to present each class, so if you sign up for a class we expect you to attend.

To register, email the education address with your intent to attend.


Education! AFL-CIO Organizing Classes

From the Organizing Committee via Vice President Drga:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Local 205 has made arrangements to present a two day Organizing Training class.
This class is taught by the AFL-CIO and it is open for all members to attend.

More details to follow but here is what you need to know now:

The class will be held at the IBEW building on August 25th and 26th. You must attend both days.

Class hours are 9am to 5pm with one hour for lunch

There is no cost to attend.

To register to attend send an email to the education committee.