Monthly Archives: April 2020

Provide payment information to the IRS to receive your stimulus faster

Want your stimulus check faster? Didn’t have a refund or direct deposit setup for the IRS in 2018? Didn’t file in some of the previous years? If you want your stimulus check faster you need to provide payment information to the IRS!! Use their new portal to enter your info, otherwise be stuck waiting for printed paper checks to be mailed.

Main Portal for tracking Stimulus:

Groups not required to file taxes should provide payment method here:

Health Insurance and Healthcare Links

IATSE-NBF has waived out of pocket costs to keep participants covered for 2nd Q and 3rd Q 2020 in Plan C (read linked PDF file for more details)

IATSE NBF Statement about COVID-19 Response in a PDF file

IATSE NBF ‘in-network’ Tele-Health Provider ‘LiveHealth Online’ Site

Health Alliance for Austin Musicians has expanded its range of services for COVID-19

Texas Workforce Commission CARES Act Flowchart

This is a flow chart published by the Texas Workforce Commission to help navigate what types of benefits you should be applying for and receiving.

Some new information from the TWC…
1. Call in windows are implemented to attempt to relieve strain on the phone system:

2. Some new information is posted regarding “non-traditional” applicants. It’s not entirely clear if they are “ready” for you, but the flow chart at least indicates what you should do when they are.

Announce: Shelter-in-place extended to May 8

The following was sent to the membership via the announce mechanism on April 13th 2020 via the office of the president:

Brothers and Sisters,

The City of Austin and Travis County have extended the shelter-in-place order until May 8. The new ordinance also calls on residents to wear facial coverings when out in public. <>

Continue to stay home, safe and well.

In Solidarity,

Rachel Magee,

Announce: Secretary Treasurer

The following was sent to the membership via the announce mechanism April 9th 2020 from the office of the recording secretary:

Dear 205 family,

Brother Michael Danburg has resigned as Secretary-Treasurer. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic has prompted the need for Brother Danburg to travel a different path from the one he originally planned. Although the Executive Board is sad to loose him, we understand the need to put family first and wish him the very best.

To ensure continuity of office, Brother Roger Dale Barrick has been appointed to serve as Interim Secretary-Treasurer, effective immediately. Notices for a by-election for the office of Secretary-Treasurer will follow in due course.

Wishing you all peace and good health.

In solidarity,

Andrew Twenter
Recording Secretary