Category Archives: News

News and Information.

Actors Fund Grant Process

As you may know, IATSE has partnered with the Actors Fund to assist members who find themselves in financial need due to being out of work during the pandemic.  This morning I spoke with a very helpful contact named Barbara Davis over at the Actors Fund who walked me through the application process and documentation requirements.

The application takes about two weeks to process. She says that they’ve also recently partnered with Netflix and have funds available for crew members who need help.

Members who are not able to make ends meet for the next month or two, are encouraged to begin the application process asap to see if you qualify for a grant. On *average*,  the grant amount is a one time issue of up to $1000. This is not an income replacement program, it is a financial grant to assist IATSE members help with meeting basic needs such as rent and utility bills.

If you’ve found that you require more assistance than you are able to receive through TWC unemployment benefits, visit the link below to get your application started with Actors Fund. The Actors Fund grant is to supplement, not replace your unemployment benefits. 

If you’re having difficulty providing the required documentation (work history up to five years, proof of up to $6500 per year earned in stagecraft, etc) contact me for help. Miss Davis said that we can provide proof of work history if you do not have access to your W2s.  Work history is archived on Call Steward or available through your employers HR departments. I am eager to assist those of you who find you need help navigating this process. Please reach out and ask. 

Visit the link below to begin the Actors Fund application process:

If you are fortunate enough to be in such a position, you can donate to this fund.

Miss Davis also mentioned the Live Nation / Crew Nation has resources available to those who work in live music concert industry so I am looking into that and will send information on the application process as it becomes available. 

In Solidarity, 
Nikki Combs
Business Agent

FREE Training Opportunities to consider during Self-Isolation

Brother Joe Martin writes, “I hope this finds everyone safe and well. During these trying times, the downtime we have recently acquired is shocking. With a lack of public places to go, Im sure a lot of us are going a little bit stir crazy. While this crisis is keeping the public at home, many companies across the industry are offering their online training programs, free of charge!

“Lets all take advantage of these services, and make good use of the downtime we have. Included below is a link that lists all the free services available to entertainment professionals during COVID-19. Free and training aren’t two words you see together often, so lets jump on it! I hope the classes offered will be to the benefit of everyone, and we can come back stronger than ever once all this madness blows over.”


Join the IATSE 205 Mutual Aid Discord Channel!

Brother Liam Dolan-Henderson writes, “Hello, everyone! We now have a Discord! This will be more of a space for socializing and simply keeping each other company during this time of social distancing.” The invite link is in the 205 Mutual Aid FB Group. If you do not have facebook you can request an invite via .

If you are unfamiliar with how Discord works, here is a how-to guide from wiki-how: Discord was created to support gaming communities initially, but has expanded vastly from there with features such as multi-channel voice calls, video calling, and screen sharing. You don’t have to use those features. At its core, Discord is a chat room.

You can simply use Discord in the browser, but there are also client apps you can install on your device.

IOS app is here:
Android here:…
Desktop versions here:

Delivery available for Members In Need

From the IA:

Sisters, Brothers, Kin—

As you know, the COVID-19 virus poses a significant risk to many of our members who are older, disabled, or immunocompromised. Additionally, many of our members are caretakers of others who fall into the at-risk category, and they simply cannot risk going to the store to get what they need.

If that sounds like you, we wanted to let you know that we’ve created a system to have trusted IATSE volunteers help get you what you need, like groceries or prescriptions.

The service is free, but is available on an as-needed, as available basis for members. That means that we need to confirm one of our 2,000 volunteers is in your area. Still, our goal is to successfully respond to each member in need request within 72 hours.

If you are a member in need, please click here to learn more about the IATSE C.A.R.E.S. delivery service.

Additionally, we encourage everyone to help make members who are less internet-savvy aware of this program, and even input requests for them on the website IF ASKED TO DO SO.

In solidarity,
The IATSE C.A.R.E.S. Task Force

TO VOLUNTEER, click this link:

Provide payment information to the IRS to receive your stimulus faster

Want your stimulus check faster? Didn’t have a refund or direct deposit setup for the IRS in 2018? Didn’t file in some of the previous years? If you want your stimulus check faster you need to provide payment information to the IRS!! Use their new portal to enter your info, otherwise be stuck waiting for printed paper checks to be mailed.

Main Portal for tracking Stimulus:

Groups not required to file taxes should provide payment method here:

Health Insurance and Healthcare Links

IATSE-NBF has waived out of pocket costs to keep participants covered for 2nd Q and 3rd Q 2020 in Plan C (read linked PDF file for more details)

IATSE NBF Statement about COVID-19 Response in a PDF file

IATSE NBF ‘in-network’ Tele-Health Provider ‘LiveHealth Online’ Site

Health Alliance for Austin Musicians has expanded its range of services for COVID-19

Texas Workforce Commission CARES Act Flowchart

This is a flow chart published by the Texas Workforce Commission to help navigate what types of benefits you should be applying for and receiving.

Some new information from the TWC…
1. Call in windows are implemented to attempt to relieve strain on the phone system:

2. Some new information is posted regarding “non-traditional” applicants. It’s not entirely clear if they are “ready” for you, but the flow chart at least indicates what you should do when they are.

Announce: Shelter-in-place extended to May 8

The following was sent to the membership via the announce mechanism on April 13th 2020 via the office of the president:

Brothers and Sisters,

The City of Austin and Travis County have extended the shelter-in-place order until May 8. The new ordinance also calls on residents to wear facial coverings when out in public. <>

Continue to stay home, safe and well.

In Solidarity,

Rachel Magee,

Announce: Secretary Treasurer

The following was sent to the membership via the announce mechanism April 9th 2020 from the office of the recording secretary:

Dear 205 family,

Brother Michael Danburg has resigned as Secretary-Treasurer. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic has prompted the need for Brother Danburg to travel a different path from the one he originally planned. Although the Executive Board is sad to loose him, we understand the need to put family first and wish him the very best.

To ensure continuity of office, Brother Roger Dale Barrick has been appointed to serve as Interim Secretary-Treasurer, effective immediately. Notices for a by-election for the office of Secretary-Treasurer will follow in due course.

Wishing you all peace and good health.

In solidarity,

Andrew Twenter
Recording Secretary